An application for 22 new homes in Steeton was rejected, despite support from planning officers.

The officers had recommended that the proposals for 18 apartments and four terrace homes at Longlands, Skipton Road, deserved approval.

They said the development would not have a negative impact on nearby homes, would be shielded by trees and should not exacerbate traffic congestion.

A spokeswoman for the applicant pointed out there had been only one objection from a neighbouring resident.

She added the site was in a convenient location, so could easily meet the ongoing demand for more affordable houses.

Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council opposed the plans, stating that they did not include enough parking provision or space for children's recreation.

Parish councillor Karen Pickard said the homes would be "shoehorned" into the site, which was not large enough to accommodate this scale of development.

Cllr Chris Greaves said: "I'm rather worried by this - it's an awful lot of houses."

He and the rest of the panel refused the application, saying it amounted to over development and would be out of character with the area.