Local farmers are being urged to check restrictions on animal movements before sending stock to market.

The plea follows an announcement that the district has been included in a surveillance zone for Bluetongue disease, following a confirmed case in Lincolnshire.

The restrictions mean that farmers cannot move their animals outside of the surveillance zone, for example to auction markets and livestock sales in Skipton, Bentham, Gisburn, Lancashire or Cumbria.

There is no restriction on moving animals within the zone.

Bluetongue is a disease of cattle and sheep transmitted by midges or by movements of infected animals.

The disease affects ruminant animals, which include sheep, cattle, deer, goats, llamas and alpacas. There is no restriction on the movement of pigs or horses.

Details of the restrictions, and licences for movements outside the zone to slaughter, can be found at www.defra.gov.uk. Farmers concerned about the restrictions can also ring the Defra helpline on 08459 335577.

Jim Aveyard, Bradford Council environmental health manager, said: "The council is keen to ensure all farmers know and understand what the extension of the surveillance zone means to them.

"We will be working with Defra to ensure farmers comply with the restrictions and offering help and advice to those affected."