The May Queen and her retinue appear on the right of this traditional May procession from St Anne's Roman Catholic Church in the early 20th century.

The children are passing the imposing United Methodist Free Church in Cavendish Street.

The photograph has been supplied by Mr Patrick Anderton, of Lawnswood Road, Keighley, who remembers that one of the May Queen's train-bearers was young Sam Unwin, who later served on Keighley Town Council as an Independent Socialist. This dates the year as 1912.

The Keighley News of the time reflects the importance and attention to detail of this annual occasion.

"The May Queen, a little girl named Miss Mary Howley, was prettily dressed in white silk, trimmed with lace and pale blue ribbon. She wore a crown of gold set with jewels, and carried a sheaf of lilies, and her long Court train, which was of pale blue velvet lined with silk and trimmed with swansdown, was carried by Master Francis O'Donnell and Samuel Unwin, who wore Court suits of Charles I period, made of saxe blue satin with Vandyke collars of point lace"