Plans for Park Lane College Keighley to become part of a Leeds "super college" are forging ahead.

Park Lane's parent college in Leeds is next year due to join Leeds College of Technology and Thomas Danby College.

The merged body will have a budget of more than £70 million and serve 39,000 students. The link-up is likely to attract £200 million of central government funding to replace ageing 1960s buildings.

A new Leeds Colleges Strategic Board has been set up with representatives from the three colleges' governing bodies.

The board will supervise the merger plans when several sites will be developed across the Leeds area, including Keighley.

Alan Gill, chairman of the board, said the merger would offer a choice of learning opportunities for more people, with consistent and excellent standards from superior facilities.

He said: "The merger will create a single gateway to skills learning. Existing centres of excellence will be extended to meet the priorities of the city and its surrounding region.

"Communities will have a college with modern, accessible, welcoming and inclusive campuses as well as learning opportunities at company premises."