Businesses in Keighley have begun scrutinising their environmental impact and cleared rubbish from the banks of the River Worth.

Young trainees from Groundwork, an organisation which supports communities in need, have teamed up with local businesses to remove plastic and other waste from the river in Dalton Lane.

The scheme is called The Green Business Park Programme and is managed by Groundwork on behalf of the Airedale Partnership, funded by Bradford Council.

A Groundwork spokesman said: "The clean-up marked the start of an exciting new partnership between local businesses to help manage their environmental impact and reduce their carbon footprint.

"Groundwork's environmental business advisors are working with local businesses in Dalton Lane offering guidance, training and support, specifically with regard to waste, water, energy, boundary improvements and security."

Any local businesses interested in the programme can contact Thom Cooper or Robin Gray on 0113 2380601.