Patients and staff of Airedale Hospital like to say YES!

They took part in an event to share real patient experiences and find out how they could change care for everyone.

Airedale NHS Trust said Your Experience Shared - YES for short - was a unique event.

A spokesman said YES was a way of gathering and using the detailed experiences and emotions of patients to develop even better health services.

She said: "Finding out how a patient feels' each time they come into contact with a service - a hospital clinic for instance - is the key to improving that service for everyone.

"It means staff can change the parts of the patient's care that cause negative feelings such as fear, frustration or confusion. Staff can learn from the parts that leave patients feeling safe, reassured and positive.

"This is the first time this kind of event has been held and staff at the hospital are sharing the work with the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement to help produce a national toolkit' - so the event will influence the work nationally."

The event immediately identified two areas where staff and patients could work together to make things better - in signage and in waiting areas.

Patients are now going to work with staff on the placing of signs to ensure they are readable for those visitors and patients with mobility needs such as reduced sight or using a wheelchair.

They will help staff ensure the waiting room environment is as comfortable as possible for visitors and patients of all ages.

Patients also came up with the idea of holding discharge interviews with patients after their care is finished so important comments can be collected in real time and action taken swiftly if any change is needed.

Keith Harrison, Head of Service Improvement at Airedale NHS Trust said: "The feedback we have got from those who came along has been fantastic and they want to come back and do it again."

A similar event is already planned for April and will focus on dignity and privacy for patients.