A South Craven School pupil will be going on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to southern Africa this summer.

Emily Yates, 16, is looking forward to travelling to South Africa, Namibia and Lesotho in July and August.

Her school nominated her for the month-long trip, which is organised by the Journey of a Lifetime Trust - a small charitable group.

It organises expeditions to far-flung locations for disadvantaged young people.

Emily, a wheelchair user who has cerebral palsy, made a formal application to take part in the venture, and found out she had been accepted earlier this month.

She will travel as part of a group of 24, 14-to-21-year-olds from all over the UK.

"When they told me I could go I was in shock for a few days," said Emily.

"My mum rang me to let me know because I was away in the Lake District.

My family and I were just so happy. This will be the furthest I've ever gone from England.

"We'll have a chance to find out about the culture in southern Africa, meet bushmen and see game reserves. I'm really excited."

Emily, who is in year 11 and lives in Skipton, said the expedition would normally cost £4,000 per person, but most of this cash was being provided by the charity.

However, she still has to raise £600 herself to demonstrate her commitment.

She plans to raise the sum through a sponsored public readathon, writing to local businesses and taking part in a sponsored swim.

"I play in a band so I also hope to stage a fundraising gig night," she added.

Anyone else willing to offer financial support can contact her via her school on 01535 632861.

A spokesman for South Craven School said Emily was a popular, high-achieving student, who never lets her disability stand in her way.