Changes are being made to the admissions policies of East Morton and Long Lee primary schools.

Bradford Council plans to include new priority areas for the two over-subscribed schools.

The additions are part of a package of measures across the district to cope with changing demand for places.

Parents, teachers and governors have been consulted as part of the council's annual monitoring of school places.

No objections have been received for the proposed changes to Long Lee Primary School's new priority area.

The proposed parity area for East Morton Primary School has been changed following queries from parents.

The amended area will include new housing on Waterside.

Already 43 people have applied for their child to start at East Morton this September, with 28 living in the village including Waterside, and 11 others from Riddlesden.

The council's proposals also include a change to the policy governing admission to all primary schools of children born in the summer.

The change would ensure children are taught with their chronological age group.

At present parents have the right to defer reception entry for a year if they feel their child is not ready to start school.

The new policy would allow children to start in year one a year later so they are with other children of the same age.

Bradford Council's ruling executive is being asked to approve the plans after discussing a report next Tuesday. (April 8) Colin Gill, the executive member for services for children and young people, said there had been lengthy consultations with all key stakeholders in and around each school.

He said: "We have a duty to ensure the forward planning of school places is as accurate and fair as can be.

"The numbers presented in the report reflect the wishes of head teachers and the schools' governing bodies."