Children attending Sutton-in-Craven Council School in the 1930s used to enjoy especially spectacular "breaking-up" parties before the Christmas holidays.

The juniors had games and competitions while the seniors - in a phrase of the time - "held high festival" in a decorated central hall. Everybody was given oranges and sweets and their teas were "bountiful".

Here are some of the hundred pupils who wore fancy dress in 1932.

"There were so many original and striking costumes," observed the Keighley News, "That the judges had a difficult task." The Chinaman fourth from the right was one of the prize winners.

Other prize winners, not included in this group, were a Welsh girl, a peg seller, Dick Wittington and Robin Hood.

The photograph was supplied by Gillian Greenwood, of Harefield Cottages, Eastburn.