Councillors in Steeton and Eastburn are not giving up their fight to provide young people with activities, despite the flop of two meetings called to address the issue.

After repeated complaints from youths about a lack of things to do in the area, Steeton with Eastburn Parish Council joined forces with Bradford youth service to organise the meetings.

The hope was that young people would come forward with suggestions of activities they would like to see.

But to the disappointment of organiser Councillor Sue Thompson, nobody turned up at the sessions.

She said: "I am disappointed but not disheartened.

"I think when we looked at it there were good reasons why nobody came - some fliers had not been handed out in school and when the first session was held the weather was absolutely awful.

"But we have decided that instead of getting the kids to come to us, we will go to them.

"We are getting an entertainment van provided by youth services to go to the children and get them interested that way."

The van, driven by youth workers, will be up and running within a month and will camp out at places like Eastburn playing fields.

It will contain laptops and equipment for games like rounders and football.

"We did have a walk around and saw a couple of kids and they were quite positive and said that if they had known about the sessions they would have definitely come, so I am quite positive we are going to get there," said Cllr Thompson.