Two long-serving South Craven School staff have retired.

Pam Blackie, a faculty and midday supervisory assistant, and Joan McCartney, a teaching assistant, called it a day at the end of term.

Mrs Blackie, 62, had been at the school since 1983 and Mrs McCartney, 61, had worked at South Craven since 1994.

Mrs Blackie started her career at the school as a tea lady but later worked as a laundry assistant, lunchtime supervisor and technician assistant.

She also helped run breakfast and after-school clubs.

She said she had enjoyed her contact with the children and was sad to be leaving not only the school but the local area - she and her husband are moving to Kent.

She said the move would be a wrench as she has many friends locally and has been heavily involved in community work in the district.

She has been a volunteer with the Girls Brigade and St Peter's Youth Club and also worked as a Sunday school teacher.

She was presented with a long service award by the Cross Hills school.

Mrs McCartney began working at the school as a general assistant 13 years ago. She moved to the English faculty in 2003 to take up her teaching assistant post.

She also said she would be sad to be leaving South Craven, adding she had thoroughly enjoyed her time there and would miss the friendly faces of staff and students.

She and her husband have bought a property in Brittany and are keen to renovate it and use it as a holiday home.

A spokesman for the school said Mrs McCartney would be greatly missed for her organisational skills.

He added: "Like Pam, Joan has been a stalwart of the local community and will be missed from her activities in the Brownies and Guides."