KEIGHLEY projects are among more than 60 from across West Yorkshire to share in a £320,000-plus funding pot.

Grants of up to £6,000 each have been distributed in the latest round of the Safer Communities Fund, administered by West Yorkshire's mayor Tracy Brabin.

The cash is seized from criminals under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

Latest beneficiaries include Keighley Cougars charity the Cougarmania Foundation, which has been awarded £2,125 for a project that aims to support the "empowerment" of young women and girls through activities including rugby league, self-defence and mental health and training opportunities.

And the Community Cougars Foundation – which provides in and out-of-school activities, including sport and educational workshops, to improve life chances for young people – has received £6,000.

The Joint Activities & Motor Education Service – JAMES – which delivers projects for young people and families across the district, has been granted £5,437. The money will be used to fund day sessions on a canal narrowboat, for vulnerable youngsters and their families.

Projects designed to boost community safety in all five districts of West Yorkshire have received funding.

Since Ms Brabin took office, the Safer Communities Fund has awarded over £530,000 to projects.

Prior to that, £3.8 million had been distributed through the scheme – to 752 projects – since 2014.

Ms Brabin says: "The safety of everybody in West Yorkshire is an absolute priority of mine.

"My Safer Communities Fund uses money taken from criminals and gives it back to those communities harmed by their activities.

"I am delighted to support so many incredible local safety projects and am looking forward to supporting many more in the future."

The Safer Communities Fund is financed by money from criminal activity that has been recovered by West Yorkshire Police and prosecutors.

West Yorkshire Police Chief Constable, John Robins, welcomes the initiative.

He says: "I am so pleased to see that this money, which has been confiscated from criminals following action from West Yorkshire Police officers, has come full circle and is being put to good use in our communities.

"The funding enables these local groups and projects across our districts to play a key part in the partnership response to preventing crime, which can be so vital in making a difference to the lives of people in West Yorkshire."

Applications are now open in the next round of the grants scheme. Visit for more details.