HOUSE of Commons leader Penny Mordaunt has praised the "entrepreneurial spirit" of Keighley-district businesses.

She paid tribute after meeting with company bosses during a visit to the town.

Ms Mordaunt attended a breakfast meeting with representatives of more than half a dozen firms, at Byworth Boilers, in Parkwood.

Businesses represented included Timothy Taylor brewery, Airedale Springs, Grandma Wild's, West Yorkshire Spinners, Brook Taverner, Gesipa and Fibreline.

Keighley MP Robbie Moore was also present.

During the visit, Ms Mordaunt was shown around the Byworth Boilers plant and met with apprentices training to become specialist welders and heating engineers.

She said afterwards: "I was delighted to be able to visit Keighley and meet with senior business figures from across the region and the current talented contingent undertaking the apprenticeship programme at Byworth Boilers.

"Keighley has an energised business community, and the entrepreneurial spirit evident is driving growth, creating jobs and making a measurable impact on local opportunities.

"The UK Government is serious about supporting small business and championing growth. Whether it's removing trade barriers, signing free trade deals in the world’s fastest-growing economies or promoting UK goods and services abroad, the Government is working hard to ensure companies have the best opportunities to sell their goods and services across the globe."

Mr Moore said the visit provided local companies with a "fantastic" opportunity to showcase their achievements, but also to highlight challenges they face.

He said: "It was great to welcome the leader of the House of Commons, Penny Mordaunt, to Keighley to meet with outstanding locally-based businesses from a range of sectors for a round-table discussion kindly hosted by Byworth Boilers.

"The meeting was a fantastic opportunity for local business leaders to highlight to Penny their recent achievements but also the current challenges faced. The discussion focused on a range of topics, including boosting pathways into apprenticeships, navigating planning policy issues, local industrial growth strategies and the importance of continued investment in our region – particularly within the food, textiles, manufacturing, engineering and tech sectors across our area.

"From the world-class menswear produced at Brook Taverner, the deliciously-baked goods of Grandma Wild’s and our iconic Timothy Taylor's brewery, to Gesipa, Ogden Fibres, West Yorkshire Spinners and many more, our town is home to some of the most innovative and successful businesses in the country. It was a privilege to show Penny, as a senior UK Government cabinet member, just what our town has to offer.

"I will keep banging the drum for business across our area, at every level of Government."