AT least five people – including a 14-year-old boy – have lost their lives in Keighley-district waterways since 2017, shocking new figures have revealed.

Statistics have been collated by the region's fire service ahead of late spring and summer, when warmer weather traditionally sees a surge in fatal incidents around rivers, reservoirs and other water courses.

According to West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, a total of 46 people across the brigade area have died in waterways over the past ten years.

Keighley fatalities have included a 36-year-old man in January, 2017, and a man whose age was unknown in July the following year.

In March, 2021, 14-year-old Mohammad Abu Farhan drowned at Goit Stock waterfall, Cullingworth, while visiting the site with friends.

And just three months later, Alan Rasoul, 27, from Blackpool, lost his life after going swimming at Ponden Reservoir near Stanbury.

Their deaths sparked calls for more warning signs to be erected in a bid to prevent further fatalities.

In April last year, a 66-year-old man died in a Keighley water course.

Brigade bosses are warning about the dangers of entering open water after yet another incident in the region, just this month, which claimed the life of 14-year-old George Lund.

Toby May, a district commander with West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, says: "As the weather gets warmer it may be tempting to enter water courses, rivers and canals. However, entering such water can put people’s lives at risk due to cold water shock, which can impact even competent swimmers, as well as the potential of underwater debris and dangerous currents.

"Regrettably, once again we have seen the devastating consequences of entering water at inappropriate locations, where these waterways are such dangerous places to swim. On April 8, our crews received reports of a young man entering the water at Knostrop Quay, Leeds. Two specialist water rescue teams and two fire engines worked with other emergency services to deploy into the water and carry out a search and rescue.

"Our crews worked tirelessly to rescue the individual, but our thoughts are with the family and friends of George Lund who sadly passed away.

"We are urging parents and teachers to talk to children about water safety, and how important it is to keep your distance from any lakes, rivers and canals.

"If anyone does need assistance in inland water, then call 999 immediately and ask for the fire service. Our teams are experts at water rescues, and we have the specialist equipment needed to save the lives of people who are at risk of drowning. Please enjoy the warm weather this spring and summer, but in a safe way and please 'be water aware'."

He says the dangers of open water include:

* Potentially hazardous debris which could be hidden beneath the surface

* Slippery banks, which may make it difficult to get out of the water

* Underwater currents, which can be strong and sweep you away from safety within seconds

* Cold temperatures. Open water in the UK remains cold all year round, and can stop your muscles working properly and make you gasp for air

* Changes in water levels

* No lifeguard. If you want to go swimming, he says, head to a purpose-built pool where a lifeguard is present at all times

The Royal Life Saving Society says that around 85 per cent of accidental drownings occur at open water sites.

"Many of these drownings occur due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of open water safety," said a spokesperson.

For more water safety advice, visit