APPRENTICESHIPS were the focus of a round-table debate in Parliament attended by Keighley MP Robbie Moore.

The event brought together young people, policy experts, Parliamentarians and business leaders.

Discussions centred around how organisations and the Government could work together to further improve apprenticeships.

The session was organised by the Co-op and the Purpose Coalition, a cross-party collaboration of organisations.

Mr Moore says apprenticeships and skills have been a "key driver" of his work as MP.

He adds: "It is so important we have a strong vocational-based skills agenda so that Keighley’s core manufacturing, engineering and tech businesses can go from strength to strength.

"It was therefore great to discuss the opportunities apprenticeships provide, and how we can make them even better.

"Apprenticeships offer our young people a great way to learn while they're working, helping them take a fast-tracked route to a highly-skilled job. And for employers, apprentices bring energy into the business and are a great way to get the skilled workforce they need."