A TEENAGE right-wing extremist from the Bradford district planned to dress as an armed police officer and kill Muslims worshipping at a nearby mosque.

Joe Metcalfe, 17, from Haworth, was found guilty of preparing to commit an act of terrorism on or before June 21, 2022, after a trial and jailed for 10 years and six years on extended licence at Leeds Crown Court today.

He had already pleaded guilty to encouraging others to commit terrorism, four counts of disseminating terrorist publications between March 2022 and June 2022, and possessing a bladed article.

The teenager, who was 15 at the time, was also sentenced after he was convicted at a separate trial for other charges, including multiple rapes.

Metcalfe researched how to carry out the attack in imitation of the mass shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2019 and Buffalo, USA in 2022.

Nick Price, head of the CPS Special Crime and Counter Terrorism Division, said: “Although Joe Metcalfe spent time watching and sharing violent, racist, homophobic and anti-semitic videos, these were not idle fantasies.

"He made a detailed plan to murder Muslims at a nearby mosque while disguised as an armed police officer, record the killings and escape. 
"He stole his father’s car to carry out a reconnaissance mission, contacted a gun seller to try and secretly ship a weapon to the UK, and but for apprehension intended to carry out the attack.

“Despite his young age, his beliefs and willingness to take violent action to propagate them are a threat to our society, and it is right that he has been sentenced today for those crimes."

The CPS worked closely with Counter Terrorism Policing North-East, whose officers investigated the case before the CPS authorised charges and brought the prosecution.

Detective Chief Superintendent James Dunkerley, Head of Counter Terrorism Policing North- East, said: “We are satisfied that this individual acted in isolation and our quick response prevented this escalating further.

“We have successfully worked alongside partners to ensure that this individual has been brought to justice.

“I hope this provides yet another example of how robustly we will deal with this type of behaviour and these actions. It will not be tolerated."