A VIGIL for peace is being held in Keighley on Friday (February 23) to mark the second anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The event, organised by the Association of Ukrainians Keighley branch, takes place at St Andrew’s Church, Church Green, at 5.30pm.

Branch chair, Stefan Pryimuk, says: "We are immensely grateful to the UK’s national, devolved, regional and local governments, political leaders and politicians of all parties, all spheres of society and each and every member of the British public for their steadfast support of Ukraine and displaced Ukrainians over the past 24 months.

"Russia’s aim is to destroy the Ukrainian nation and expand the Russian empire.

"As Ukrainian president Zelensky recently commented, 'Ukraine needs to be given everything it requires to be able to defeat Russia in this historic battle'.

"The Ukrainian people have shown remarkable courage and resilience defending their country, democracy and Europe from an authoritarian aggressor. For the sake of a true and lasting peace, democratic Governments must stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes to secure victory."