YOUNG carers from across the district have taken part in a range of activities.

Carers' Resource organised a programme of events for the Easter holidays.

The charity's Bradford Young Carers team arranged a trip to East Riddlesden Hall, where a group participated in an Easter egg hunt and activities including wheelbarrow racing, nest building and egg and spoon races.

There was also an outing to White Scar Cave, Ingleton, and Go Bowling in Shipley.

And groups in Harrogate, Selby and Craven staged trips.

Funding was provided by the Holiday Activities and Food programme, FEAST and RAF Menwith Hill.

Spokesperson Chris Windsor says: "Thanks to the generous support from funders and donors, we were able to provide incredible opportunities for our young carers. These initiatives not only offer them respite from their care-giving duties but also introduce them to new experiences and connect them with peers facing similar challenges at home."