I AM pleased and grateful to be elected on to Bradford Council, to represent the Craven ward alongside the existing Green Party councillors for the ward, Janet Russell and Caroline Whitaker.

A big 'thank you' to everyone who voted for me and also to the energetic and tireless local supporters and Green Party members who faithfully leaflet and campaign year in and year out to ensure the Green voice is heard in Eastburn, Steeton, Silsden and Addingham.

Thank you to everybody involved in running the election, and to all those who so carefully and thoroughly counted the votes, and thank you also to the other Craven ward candidates for their courtesy and good humour at the count.

There were three more successful Green Party candidates in the Bradford district at this election ­– in Ilkley, Shipley and Tong wards. This means the Green Party now has ten councillors on Bradford Council. This strength of support is hugely encouraging at a time of climate and ecological emergency alongside the many local and national challenges we face as a community.

My contact details will be uploaded to the Bradford Council website in due course. In the meantime please get in touch with me if you have any questions or there is anything I can help you with, at neilwhitakergreen@gmail.com

I am looking forward to starting work for the residents in Eastburn, Steeton, Silsden and Addingham. Thank you again for your support.

Neil Whitaker, newly-elected Green Party district councillor, Craven Ward