A NEW community grants scheme has been launched by Keighley Lions Club.

Groups and individuals from across the town and surrounding areas are being invited to apply for funding.

The Lions say they are keen to receive applications which meet the club's charitable aims in relation to childhood cancer, diabetes, disaster relief, the environment, humanitarianism, hunger, vision and youth projects.

Anyone interested should visit keighleylions.org.uk/grant-making-policy for more details and to apply, and support with applications can be requested by emailing info@keighleylions.org.uk

Councillor Luke Maunsell, for Keighley Lions Club, says: "We're delighted to announce the launch of our community grants scheme, which is focused on giving a helping hand to those we serve.

"Throughout the year one of our big missions is to fundraise. We do so to ensure that our work can continue, and that we are able to help as many as possible.

"This also means that we can directly reinvest some of the money back into local groups and individuals who make a difference to our area.

"We would encourage all those who are seeking support to come forward for funding and we will consider all applications on a case-by-case basis.

"We look forward to hearing from people."