A COMMUNITY choir which draws its members from across the district is preparing for its next concert.

All Together Now opened the year with a debut appearance at Keighley's Good Shepherd Centre, and a return visit to Steeton Court Nursing Home.

And earlier this month, nearly 100 members entertained as part of Haworth Steampunk Weekend.

Now the choir is heading to Bradford for its latest engagement.

Members are performing at St John's Church, Great Horton, on Saturday, June 8, at 7pm.

They will be sharing the stage with Bradford Concert Band.

"We are absolutely delighted to be making what is a return visit to the beautiful St John's Church," says a choir spokesperson.

"On our previous visit, we found a warm and welcoming community, and loved the way the amazing acoustics in the church supported our varied performance of popular songs!

"We are excited to be sharing the stage this time with the fabulous Bradford Concert Band.

"Everyone is welcome to come along."

Tickets for the concert are £10, with profits going to charity.

For further information about the event and to book, go to b-c-b.org.uk

More about All Together Now can be found on its Facebook page, at facebook.com/atnsing