OXENHOPE Climate Action has completed a project to increase biodiversity on land in the centre of the village.

Members have carried out planting at the site, owned by Mercy UK.

Project leader, Nick Ackroyd, says: "This has been a really successful initiative.

"We started last year by planting fruit trees, which are now flourishing.

"Since then we have planted more fruit trees, a native hedge and shrubs, and bulbs and wild flowers, which will attract wildlife and pollinators.

"We'd like to thank volunteer planters and other organisations which have helped us, including Yorgreen CIC and the Bronte Society. Thanks also to Mercy UK, which was very generous in providing the land."

Julie Lever, for Oxenhope Climate Action, says: "The group is all about working at a community level, encouraging people to take small steps to reduce their carbon footprint and increase biodiversity in the village."

For more details, visit oxenhopeclimateaction.org.uk