KEIGHLEY Rotary Club is celebrating its 90th anniversary.

And as part of the commemorations, a reproduction of the lost original charter – which went missing in the 1980s – will be displayed.

Former Keighley club secretary, Paul Milling, discovered that Otley Rotarians still had their original club charter from 1933.

Colleague Jonathan Smith obtained verification that the signatories remained current the following year, when the Keighley organisation was founded, and permission was granted for a copy to be produced.

Necessary alterations were made and help with the printing was provided by Martin Thornton, of Particular Print and Design in Silsden, with the final document being given a similar hue and texture to the original.

The finished, framed charter will be on show with other club memorabilia at an anniversary dinner being held at Keighley Golf Club next Friday (June 14).

And it will then be hung at the club's regular meeting place, in Central Hall.

Keighley Rotary Club supports a wide range of charities and community events and activities locally, plus worldwide initiatives including the End Polio Now campaign.

Meetings are held three times a month, on Mondays at 12.45pm.

New members are welcome.

For more about Rotary, go to