CONFIDENCE is growing amongst the region's manufacturers as they enter the second half of the year, according to a new survey.

The manufacturing sector is forecast to outpace the economy overall in 2024.

Yorkshire and Humber businesses have seen output and orders pick up "substantially" and they are set to strengthen further over the next three months in line with the national picture.

The findings are contained in the second quarterly outlook survey published by manufacturers' organisation, Make UK.

Its report forecasts that manufacturing will grow by 1.2 per cent in 2024, moderating to 0.8 per cent next year.

Gross domestic product is set to increase by 0.9 per cent this year and two per cent in 2025.

Dawn Huntrod, regional director at Make UK, says: "After the economic and political shocks of the last few years there is now strong confidence amongst manufacturers in Yorkshire and Humber.

"Business confidence has risen to equal the highest level recorded since the survey started measuring the indicator in 2014.

"At long last, companies can see concrete signs of growth and a much better economic outlook ahead.

"With prices cooling, and potential cuts in interest rates to come, the next Government must capitalise on this scenario by delivering a modern, long-term industrial strategy which goes beyond the 2030s and has cross Government support."