LEES cum Cross Roads Gala takes place next month.

The July 13 event will begin with a parade, setting off from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Halifax Road, at 1pm.

Participants will include the gala king and queen, Harley Taylor and Ava Hastings.

The procession will head to the gala field – at Lees Primary School – where there will be a host of attractions including stalls, bouncy castles, a barbecue, bar and family entertainment throughout the afternoon.

Organisers warn that some short-term road closures will be in place in Halifax Road, Haworth Road and Vale Mill Lane as the parade makes its way through the village.

Admission to the gala is £1 per person, and raffle tickets are on sale now.

Anyone wishing to buy raffle tickets, or seeking further information, should contact Lees cum Cross Roads Village Association through its Facebook page at facebook.com/LcCRVA