A NEW resident is causing quite a flutter in Cullingworth.

A peacock has become the talk of the village in recent days.

Rumours on social media suggest the peacock may be one of several that have escaped from their 'home' in the Keighley area.

Cullingworth vicar, the Rev Alison Young, told us: "It's certainly creating a talking point!

"Personally I think it looks beautiful and I would like to see it stay, but it's quite noisy and is not popular with everybody – particularly with people who work nights and are trying to sleep during the day!"

Villager Terry Hanson photographed the peacock as it strutted its stuff around Cullingworth Cricket Club.

Terry says: "Living next to the cricket field for over 50 years, my wife and I have witnessed roe deer, foxes, a badger, donkey, cattle, chickens and herons, but never – until now – a peacock!"