A CHARITY which supports families across the district is celebrating a milestone.

Home-Start Bradford District is marking its 25th anniversary.

Trained volunteers visit families with young children who may be facing exceptional difficulties, and provide personalised emotional and practical support.

The charity began – as Home-Start Bradford North – with just a single worker, supporting young families in the Bradford Moor area alone.

Now there are seven members of staff and more than 50 volunteers, and the service covers the whole of the Bradford district.

Natalie Spiers was helped by the charity 20 years ago, when she was a single mum of two young boys struggling with post-natal depression.

She was supported by Christine Gaffey, now operations manager of Home-Start Bradford District.

Natalie says: "I didn’t know at the time, but it was extremely necessary for my mental wellbeing to have the fantastic partnership of the friendly and committed staff, nurturing me on my challenging journey.

"They were professional and supportive at all times. I’m sure it must have been frustrating for them seeing me making the same mistakes over and over again, but they never made me feel anything other than cared for.

"I am certain that I wouldn’t be who I am today if I hadn’t been referred to Home-Start and met Christine 20 years ago!"

Christine says: "Natalie's was one of my first families in my role then as family and volunteer co-ordinator.

"Natalie was very open and honest about what she wanted and how she was feeling, and with our support you could see her and the boys thrive. Natalie was, and still is, an amazing mum.

"We are very proud to be celebrating 25 years of Home-Start Bradford District, supporting over 2,300 families with young children across the district.

"Since 1999, over 1,000 volunteers have gifted more than 50,000 hours of their time. We have several events over this year which will bring together past volunteers, trustees, families and members of staff so that we can thank them all."

Amanda Finn, community child health worker, began volunteering with Home-Start Bradford District in 2002.

She says: "The opportunity came at a time when I needed some experience working directly with families. Volunteering gave me an insight into how I could work with families. I knew I wanted to work in family support and that’s where I've been since!"

For more about Home-Start Bradford District, visit homestartbradford.co.uk