A 'NEW dawn' has been pledged for housebuilding in the region.

A 15-year housing strategy outlines plans for over 38,000 new homes on previously-developed land across West Yorkshire, including in the Bradford district.

West Yorkshire mayor Tracy Brabin has vowed to work with housing providers and the new Government to deliver the strategy, which will also bring together the region's five local authorities.

She says: "The strategy gives us the long-term, joined-up approach we need to tackle the housing crisis, ensuring that everyone has a safe and secure place to call home.

"Growing up in a good-quality council flat, we didn’t have to worry about unaffordable rent, mould on our walls or the looming threat of a no-fault eviction, and no one else should have to.

"Housing is a basic human right and the foundation for a good and healthy life. By working with the new Government and our brilliant local housing partners, we will deliver a new dawn for housebuilding across West Yorkshire."

According to West Yorkshire Combined Authority, there are around 85,000 people and families on council house waiting lists across the region.

And two in five privately-rented properties fail to meet the Government’s definition of a 'decent home'.

The combined authority and partners have committed £40 million to modernise social homes with solar panels, heat pumps and better-insulated walls and windows.

Councillor Denise Jeffery, chair of the combined authority's place, regeneration and housing committee, says: "We have made the most of powers and funding already devolved to our region, with thousands more families living in safe, secure and affordable homes because of the decisions of our West Yorkshire mayor in partnership with councils.

"However, now we need to accelerate this work. For too long, strict Government rules over where our brownfield housing fund is spent have blocked our plans. This has limited much of what we’ve been able to achieve to places where land values are high.

"With the backing of a new Government, and the promise of greater flexibility in how we make decisions, we can build 38,000 new homes. That's at the heart of delivering a region which everyone can be proud to call home."

Andy Wallhead, chair of the West Yorkshire Housing Partnership, says: "Housing associations are already leading the way on housebuilding, but by working with the new Government and continuing our close collaboration with the mayor, we’re determined to do even more."