REBEL Girls is the latest production from Keighley Youth Theatre – KYDZ.

The plot sees heroines from history band together to save a village from an evil sorceress.

A KYDZ spokesperson says: "The show is set in an ancient village where the vengeful sorceress has vowed to return after a week to wipe everyone out.

"The village witches cast a spell to summon heroes from history such as knights, centurions and Robin Hood.

"But they use the wrong ingredients and instead bring famous women such as Boudicca, Emily Bronte, a suffragette and pirate queen Grace O"Malley.

"The 'rebel girls' reluctantly agree to help the villagers and train a band of girl soldiers to assist them."

The show takes place at Oakworth Methodist Church next Friday and Saturday, July 19-20, at 7.15pm.

For tickets, go to or

Since it was formed 18 years ago, KYDZ has performed two major musical productions each year – written by leaders and often devised by the young people themselves.

The group also stages an annual concert.

Meetings are held every Thursday evening at Oakworth Methodist Church, where members learn and develop their drama skills, and build their confidence, as well as devising performances.