FOLLOWING Cheers for Volunteers on national Thank You Day, I would like to make special mention of my two regular volunteers.

I manage the Good Food Shop in Keighley, and ever since we began back in September 2021 I have had one constant volunteer helping me, then soon after that her partner also began to assist at the shop daily in the mornings.

I would like to take this opportunity to give Phil Lindley and Linda King a massive shout out of thanks for all their support.

Not only do they help with deliveries, keeping the shelves stocked and general tidiness, but they also sit and chat to our customers – who may not need anything but a chat and a cuppa.

We have been operating nearly three years and during that time we have had many people through our door requiring support with food poverty. We also offer signposting, and we're thankful that many individuals have managed to move on from use of the shop, allowing for other less fortunate individuals and families to utilise us – which is only possible thanks to our shelves being stocked through kind donations and Government grant money.

All the support we have received has been a blessing, but without Phil and Linda this shop would not be the social hub that it has become. So I thank you both, and also all those volunteers out there giving your time – you are so appreciated.

Steve Sprange, Good Food co-ordinator, Keighley