A TOWN-centre community hub has showcased extensive improvements made to the building.

Keighley Healthy Living, in Scott Street, staged an open day.

The health and wellbeing charity received a £95,000 grant from Keighley Towns Fund to modernise the premises, and improve access for wheelchair users and people with prams.

Work has included the creation of a new community room – which can be split into two – redecoration and a redesign of the garden.

During the open day, the public was also able to learn more about groups and support services on offer at the centre.

Around 500 people use the hub every week for a wide range of activities, from yoga, dance and tai chi to drawing and painting, gardening, British Sign Language sessions and IT support.

Melanie Hey, chief executive officer at Keighley Healthy Living, says: "We are supporting more people than ever, and it was important for us to have a space which not only facilitates what we do but creates a sense of community.

"Thanks to the Towns Fund grant, our architects and builders have certainly achieved that. It has transformed the way we use the building. We were delighted to be able to welcome people to look round our incredible new space and find out a bit more about how we support the community.

"Our visitors have given us positive feedback, particularly around improved accessibility and the garden, which is such a special space here. The building is now owned by Keighley Healthy Living and we’ve stipulated that it must always be used for the community, so creating this incredible space will be a legacy for the people of Keighley for a long time to come."

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Bradford Council’s portfolio holder for regeneration, planning and transport, says: "The work of Keighley Healthy Living will be boosted by having this functional, modern new space to use. It’s been a wonderful transformation."

And Keighley Towns Fund chair, Tim Rogers, says: "The charity has made impressive use of the funding and the transformation is already making a positive difference to the lives of people who use the centre.

"What better way to celebrate all the work that has gone into achieving the new space than by throwing open the doors. It's been such a success and we hope the Keighley Healthy Living team is as proud of the results as we are to have supported them."