A COMMUNITY has been praised after a successful operation to rescue a hedgehog from a water pipe.

The trapped hedgehog was spotted down a hole in Wheathead Drive, Keighley.

Concerned residents alerted the Oakworth-based Hedgie Hog Hotel.

"When I arrived there were two ladies who had been trying to get the hog out for a while without any success," says Jan Abberton, who runs the 'hotel'.

"On closer inspection it became clear this was a very large, curled-up hedgehog which was well and truly stuck at the bottom of an extremely narrow pipe!".

Items ranging from spatulas to garden hoes were used in a bid to free the hedgehog.

"After over an hour and thinking the only option left was to call the fire brigade we had one last effort," says Jan. "After much pulling, wiggling, shoving, squeezing and tugging, the hog was eventually extricated from the pipe."

The hedgehog, nicknamed Piper, was none the worse for his ordeal.

"I'd like to say a big 'thank you' to the residents who not only raised the alarm but stayed and helped get him out," Jan added.

"I would ask people if they're doing any works to please ensure holes are covered."