A FORMER Oxenhope man has raised nearly £6,000 in memory of his mum by running 10 marathons in as many days across Europe.

Harry Marshall, 26, who now lives in Whistler, Canada, tackled the challenge to raise money for the British Heart Foundation in tribute to his mum, Alison, who died of heart complications in 2021. She was 54.

Harry faced a number of challenges as he ran in countries including the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany and Slovenia.

His girlfriend, Morgan Rook, said: “I can’t speak highly enough of Harry and his genuine character and positive outlook on life despite all he has been through.

“This has been a huge challenge for Harry; he has struggled a lot, he had days where he was very low due to pains and injuries.

“We had to see a physio in Italy as we had fears of a stress fracture.

“The physio actually provided Harry with a free session after discovering what he was doing for the British Heart Foundation. He had also lost his mum to heart complications. This really touched us.

“Harry hasn’t always been a runner. The death of his brother, Tom, in 2019 and then his mother turned him to running.

“Running clears his mind and is an excellent method of ensuring good mental health."

She added: “Harry completed the final marathon in just under five hours, in 33-degree heat and strong sun.

“He felt dizzy and light-headed along the way. This was the hottest and most difficult run yet.

“His friend, Matthew, joined him for this one – which was an incredible thing to do to support him.

“At the location where Harry finished, unbeknown to anyone beforehand, was a perfect heart against the backdrop of beautiful Lake Bled.

“We thought this was meant to be, as it 'represented' the British Heart Foundation.

“There was never a doubt that Harry would finish this challenge. He is so determined and mentally strong.

“It was a truly amazing day and an emotional finish. We are all beyond proud of him and dread to think what he has next up his sleeve!”.

Harry says: “The challenge certainly took from me so much more than I thought it would. There were so many times I wanted to stop, but I just kept my mum’s voice in my head."

Currently, his fundraising total stands at over £5,900.

To donate, visit justgiving.com/page/harry-marshall-the-heart-of-europe-challenge