A CAMPAIGN is being launched in the district aimed at giving mums the confidence to breastfeed when out and about.

Businesses and organisations – including cafes, restaurants, shopping centres, hair salons, transport hubs and leisure facilities – are being encouraged to sign up to a new Bradford District Breastfeeding Friendly scheme.

Under the initiative, participants pledge to provide a welcome for breastfeeding mums, and a Breastfeeding Friendly sign is displayed on the premises.

The campaign, spearheaded by the Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust community infant feeding team, is being unveiled to coincide with World Breastfeeding Week - which begins tomorrow.

Jane Dickens, the strategic breastfeeding lead for Bradford district, says: "The theme of this year’s World Breastfeeding Week is 'closing the gap – breastfeeding support for all' and everyone can help, not just trained health workers.

"The Breastfeeding Friendly scheme is central to this and important because babies have tiny tummies and when they need feeding, they need feeding right now!

"Although breastfeeding in public is protected by law, if mum is out and about she can feel uncomfortable – and at times unwelcome – when breastfeeding her child. That needs to change if we’re to support mums to continue breastfeeding."

She adds: "We’ve recently been working closely with Start for Life so that we can increase the number of baby feeding support sessions available through Bradford Council’s four family hubs – Bradford East, South and West, and Keighley and Shipley.

"Parents and carers can come along to meet others and get advice and support from our experienced community infant feeding team members. All are warmly welcomed. The team can answer questions or address concerns and refer to specialist support if required.

"We want every new mum in the Bradford district, however she is feeding her baby, to feel she can get the support she needs and be confident to breastfeed wherever and whenever necessary. We also have an NHS 'Chat Health' number – 07312 263233 – to text with any questions or concerns about feeding, and our team will respond."

She says breastfeeding has many benefits for the baby's health and immune system.

For further information about breastfeeding and the support provided by the community infant feeding team – including details of the baby feeding support sessions – visit the Better Lives, Healthy Futures Family Health Services website at betterliveshealthyfuturesbw.nhs.uk

For more about the Breastfeeding Friendly scheme and to register, go to bdct.nhs.uk/breastfeeding-friendly-bradford-district