THE history of Keighley Library will be the focus of a presentation in the town.

Tim Neal, a member of Keighley and District Local History Society, is giving a talk on the subject at the society's latest gathering.

The event takes place upstairs at the North Street building, in the local studies library, on Wednesday, August 14.

Anyone is welcome to attend.

The presentation – 1904-2024: 120 Years of Keighley Library – will outline the history of the building, beginning when it was constructed in the Edwardian era with money donated by businessman Andrew Carnegie.

Audience members will hear about various extensions and refurbishments which have taken place over the years – including a children's library extension in 1961 – and about improvements which were formally opened by Margaret Thatcher when she was Secretary of State for Education in 1972, right through to the present day.

Tim says: "One hundred and twenty years is a long time to cover, and I’ve got less than an hour to do it in, so I’ve picked around a dozen dates when key things happened.

"The local studies library team has been extremely helpful in researching the topics I’ve chosen, and I have spent weeks with my head buried in old copies of the Keighley News!"

The talk will also include details of key characters from across the years, including the first chief librarian, Robert Crossley; Fred Taylor – who occupied the role from 1946 to 1974 – and local historian and former Keighley News columnist Dr Ian Dewhirst, who worked in the reference department for over 30 years.

Tim's presentation is taking place close to the anniversary of the original opening date, and the library is planning further events later this year and into 2025 to celebrate the milestone.

Admission to the meeting is £3.50, or free to society members.

People wishing to join the society can pay in cash on the night. Membership for the rest of this year is £15, or £20 for a couple living at the same address.

Doors open at 7pm, the meeting starts around 20 minutes later and the presentation will begin at 7.30pm. The meeting will finish at about 8.30pm. Anyone arriving after 7pm should use the library side entrance in Albert Street.

Society members also have the option of joining the meeting via Zoom.

For further information about the society, visit