HUNDREDS of children from schools across the Keighley district have been learning vital safety lessons.

The youngsters took part in the annual Stay Safe project, which was marking its 25th year – and its 11th with Keighley College as host.

Seven hundred Year 6 pupils – from 16 primary schools – participated in the event, staged over four days.

The initiative brings together a range of organisations and agencies with the aim of teaching important lifeskills to young people.

Partner agencies include Bradford Council's road safety team, Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust school nurses, Stronger Communities and neighbourhood policing team officers, British Transport Police, First Aid4, Network Rail, Northern Powergrid, The Railway Children and West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service.

Dave Towers, from Keighley Work Safe Project, says: "I was delighted that the town mayor, Councillor Gulfraz Hussain, was able to attend the project and during his visit witnessed the scenario presentations – which are constantly updated.

"This year we welcomed a new partner agency, Network Rail, which – working in conjunction with British Transport Police – enabled all the children to receive a presentation on rail safety. And Stay Safe featured in its safety newsletter.

"Presentations also included one by the school nurse team – which focused on hygiene, utilising UV light to demonstrate the spread of germs – and others covered subjects such as first aid; electricity, road, fire and water safety; weapons awareness and safe people/safe places."

He adds: "The fact that the event is over-subscribed every year reflects the success of the project.

"Feedback gathered from teachers during the week shows that there is a continuing need for safety lessons taught by professionals at a level beyond what is provided within schools in the Keighley community.

"It is particularly important that this project is offered to children prior to their transition to secondary education."

Keighley College said it was delighted to host the event.

Kathryn McGee, personal assistant to the principalship, added: "The project gives schools an opportunity to visit the college and see the facilities available here.

"Feedback has shown that schools find Keighley College an attractive venue for a scheme of this nature and we look forward to working with the Stay Safe project in future years.

"We have hosted the event since 2012 and have always been delighted with the behaviour of the children attending, and the overall organisation of the project."