VOLUNTEERS are being sought to help with this year's Keighley Show.

Assistance is needed with setting up the showground in the days before the event, and with clearing the site afterwards.

And help is welcome on the day.

The show takes place at Marley playing fields on Saturday, September 7.

A spokesperson says: "The staging of this event takes a dedicated team of volunteers to transform one large, empty field into a 'mini village' during the week leading up to the show, and then return the field to its usual state afterwards. Volunteers are also required for show day itself to help out with various tasks."

Jobs in the four days prior to the show will include erecting fences and barriers, marking out spaces for trade stands and moving chairs from storage to various locations.

The clean-up operation takes place between 10am and about 1pm on the Sunday.

Reasonable expenses for refreshments and travel will be available, and anyone volunteering for at least 16 hours pre-show will receive four admission tickets for the event.

Anyone interested should email klyshowchighley@gmail.com with details of your name, address and a phone number, plus an indication of when you would be available to help.