A SOLEMN requiem mass is being held in Keighley by the Yorkshire branch of the Richard III Society.

It is for the repose of the soul of King Richard III and all who died at the Battle of Bosworth on August 22, 1485.

The mass takes place on Thursday, August 22 – the 539th anniversary of the battle – at St Anne’s Catholic Church, North Street, at 7pm.

Celebrant will be the parish priest, Monsignor Canon David Smith.

Graham Mitchell, the branch secretary, says: "The mass will be in the ordinary form (English) with music sung in the Latin, which Richard would have known.

"Branch members and friends of all faiths, and none, are very welcome."

Anyone planning to attend is asked to inform Mr Mitchell on rgm@dockroyd.co.uk or 01535 645454.

In his previous parish of Wakefield, Monsignor Smith regularly celebrated a December 30 requiem mass for Richard Duke of York and Edmund Earl of Rutland at the Chantry Chapel, on Wakefield Old Bridge.