A COMMUNITY leader has voiced his hope that the conviction of two teenagers for starting a huge Keighley mill blaze will act as a deterrent to others.

McKenzie Motron, now 18, and a 17-year-old youth – who cannot be named for legal reasons – have been found guilty of arson following the fire, which ripped through Dalton Mills in March, 2022. They will be sentenced in October.

Since the inferno, which caused £15 million damage, the historic mill has been the target of several break-ins and suspected further arson attacks.

Keighley town mayor, Councillor Gulfraz Hussain, says: "I am pleased that the culprits responsible for the March 2022 fire have been caught, charged and prosecuted.

"People need to know their actions have consequences.

"Dalton Mills is an iconic property, and thanks to these reckless individuals it was nearly lost altogether.

"We continue to see the fallout of their actions today, with Dalton Mills being targeted by anti-social behaviour.

"My message to those responsible is to take heed from these two young men, and not find yourself in the same situation appearing in court."

The convictions are also welcomed by Keighley MP, Robbie Moore.

"This was completely shocking behaviour and I welcome the guilty verdict for these two arsonists," he says.

"Dalton Mills has helped put Keighley on the map for years and the reckless actions of these individuals led to the devastation of one of our town’s crowning jewels, put a huge strain on West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service and has continued to have a lasting effect on businesses in the area.

"I would like to pay tribute to the fire crews that worked unbelievably hard to tackle this fire and protect the buildings which surround the mill – as well as the police, ambulance and council teams who have worked tirelessly to support those impacted.

"It is essential that the sentencing does not let these two individuals off the hook for their actions that day."

Bradford Youth Court heard last Thursday that the two defendants had been caught on CCTV with three others entering the lower levels of the 19th-century Dalton Mills complex at about 11.20am on March 3, 2022, whilst on a break from Keighley College, to smoke cannabis.

Videos downloaded by police from the duo’s mobile phones showed the pair exploring the Genappe Mill part of the complex and finding a small fire, which the youth fed with pieces of a polystyrene gargoyle that may have been left behind by a film crew.

The videos also identified the 17-year-old by his clothing.

Fire quickly spread through the mill complex, prompting owners of small businesses on the site to try to fight the flames.

The pair filmed the inferno from their college classroom.

When arrested the following day, Motron said one of the group had lit part of a polystyrene "mannequin" but then set another fire that was too big to put out, and fire extinguishers onsite were not working.

He said he was “scared and shocked” and did not tell anyone when he ran off.

The youth said he had tried to stamp out the fire, which he blamed on Motron.

The resulting blaze was attended by 20 fire engines and other specialist equipment, and firefighters remained at the scene for several days.

In finding both the teenagers guilty, Judge Alexander Boyd said they were identified through video evidence and that whether it was intended or reckless, “devastating” damage was caused to the mill.

He said he was satisfied that both were guilty of the offence of arson.

He adjourned the case to October 7 for sentence.