A ROTARY club has launched a new drive to help families in war-ravaged Ukraine.

Two years ago, Haworth & Worth Valley Rotarians sent around five tonnes of items to the country, for pregnant women and new mums and their babies.

Now the club has launched a fresh initiative in readiness for the onset of next winter, and is appealing to the community for support.

It is staging a collection of family and household goods, to be shipped out to Ukraine either next month or in October.

Club president, Peter Oddy, says: "Like everybody else, we were appalled by the suffering of Ukrainian families after recent Russian missile attacks and wanted to do something to help.

"In 2022 we staged a collection of goods for mothers and babies, and the items were sent to Ukrainian Rotary clubs for delivery to those who needed the most help.

"Now we are going back into action and we’re appealing to our communities, not just in the Worth Valley but also in Keighley and district, to be as generous as they can to help Ukrainian communities that are suffering so badly."

The Rotary club is appealing for donations of children’s supplies, adult clothing, bedding and towels, toiletries and miscellaneous goods such as dried food, candle wax, water purifying tablets and paracetamol.

A collection day takes place at Haworth Masonic Hall on Saturday, September 7, from 10am to 4pm.

Mr Oddy adds: "To make shipping easier, we are asking people who are able to donate to please ensure all items are either new or clean and that the goods are wrapped and tied, labelled with their contents, and weighed.

"Also, I’m afraid we can only accept donations of items that are included on the requirement list.

"We would like to thank the Haworth Freemasons for their generous assistance in enabling us to stage this collection."

For precise details of what kind of goods are required, people should email the club on info@haworthrotary.co.uk

The items donated in 2022 ranged from baby clothes to blankets and toiletries.

They were sent initially to a depot in Berkshire, before being despatched to Lviv where distribution was co-ordinated by the city's Rotary club.

And earlier this year, Rotarians from both the Haworth & Worth Valley and Keighley clubs collected candle wax to help provide heat for people in Ukraine.

Three collection points were set up as part of the Candles4Ukraine initiative.