A DISTRICT mental health charity is bowled over with its latest funding boost.

Mind in Bradford has been awarded £7,000 by Sport England, to provide a physical activity programme involving ten-pin bowling.

Have a Ball will offer two hours' bowling weekly for 10 weeks, supported by professional coaches, and a pack including an entry-level bowling ball. Sessions will be at Go Bowling Shipley.

There will then be an opportunity to join a mini bowling league.

Anyone aged 18 and over living in Bradford District and Craven can take part in the scheme.

It follows a successful pilot in which participants reported reduced isolation and loneliness, improved self-confidence, and better physical and mental health as a result of taking part.

A spokesperson says: "There is plenty of evidence about the many benefits of physical exercise, in particular on mental health and wellbeing. But for many people, sport and exercise are intimidating prospects with a variety of barriers to overcome to take part.

"Have a Ball aims to introduce people to group sport through bowling, show the benefits of physical exercise and equip them to continue their journey into sport independently."

For more details, visit mindinbradford.org.uk, email admin@mindinbradford.org.uk or call 01274 730815.