THE postal service, at least in Greenhead Lane, Utley, has severely deteriorated in recent weeks.

We used to have post delivered by 10am at the latest.

As a household, we received items on at least three days each week.

It seems that post is now being held back and delivered in “batches” – recently on a Sunday, and not until lunchtime.

One morning (August 7) such a “batch” included an item posted locally first class on July 29 – eight/nine days to deliver – and a letter posted second class in east Yorkshire on July 30: seven/eight days to deliver.

Something has gone horribly wrong.

Michael Parkinson, Utley

* A Royal Mail spokesperson says: "Every item of mail is important to us, and while some customers may have experienced delays in Keighley recently, the service is improving daily and will return to normal shortly. We apologise for any inconvenience caused in the meantime."