I READ a letter recently in the Keighley News about the state of roads and footpaths in the Worth Valley.

I live in Haworth Road, Cullingworth, and we are having problems with our road as well!

The council recently surfaced it, and as a result the paths have been left covered in chippings/stones.

We had exactly the same problem last year.

Why can't the council just use asphalt to surface the roads?

Ruth Callander, Cullingworth

* A Bradford Council spokesperson says: "The work carried out on the road is a standard surface dressing treatment used by local authorities across the country, which is designed to extend the life of a road.

"Unfortunately, in this instance, the treatment has started to fail.

"We are aware of the situation and the road will be made good again as soon as possible.

"In the meantime, our contractor has been returning to remove the loose chippings from the paths and carriageway."