LAYCOCK Women's Institute is celebrating after raising over £1,000 and winning the team fancy dress accolade in an annual charity event.

Ten members walked the two-and-a-half-mile Oxenhope Straw Race course, coining-in cash for causes including Manorlands hospice and Haworth Riding for the Disabled.

They donned costumes representing things associated with the WI, including cakes, jam, marmalade, sunflowers and even the Calendar Girls – complete with strategically-placed teapots and flowers.

Zara Ford, Laycock WI president, says: "The image of the WI can be quite traditional, but we wanted to show that we're up to any challenge!

"I’m incredibly proud of the team for the creativity and style shown."

Meetings are on the third Thursday of every month at Laycock village hall. Search Laycock WI on Facebook.