KEIGHLEY Sport in Pictures is the latest book from Oakworth author Rob Grillo.

The 230-page publication is packed with photos from across the years, as well as images of programme covers, cigarette cards and other sporting ephemera.

A wide range of sports is covered – from football, both rugby codes, cricket, running and tennis, to table tennis, boxing, cycling and bowls.

Rob issued an appeal for photos through the Keighley News in July, and was delighted with the response.

"Many people have contributed," he says.

"My main dilemma was whether to have the book printed in colour or black and white. In the end I just had to go for colour, which does the images justice.

"Whilst compiling the book I also learned a lot; for example I had no idea we had a world indoor rowing champion living locally!".

Keighley Sport in Pictures is available from Amazon, at