A CHARITY football event at South Craven School netted over £330.

Two Year 9 pupils, Max Enright and Seth Wilkinson, organised the tournament.

They were assisted by Chinny Singh, student mentor and teaching assistant at the Cross Hills school.

There was also a raffle, with prizes donated by locally-based businesses.

The event raised £334 for The Principle Trust, which provides respite holidays to youngsters who are disadvantaged, disabled or have life-limiting conditions, or who've experienced poverty, trauma or abuse.

"We were delighted with the amount raised for the charity and all the students enjoyed the event," says Mr Singh.

"Also, the raffle was well supported by local businesses. We would like to thank Cross Hills Co-op, 22 The Square and Drake & Macefield butchers."

Kerry Magson, of The Principle Trust, paid tribute to the school.

She said: "Thanks to people like Mr Singh and the children of South Craven School, we’ve helped thousands of disadvantaged, disabled and poorly children to escape their everyday troubles and create happy memories with their families. Every penny the students raised will help us to support more children."

Since it was founded in 2011, the charity has provided free respite breaks to over 5,000 youngsters.