ADVICE for older people on how to avoid falls will be on offer at an event in Keighley this week.

Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust’s falls prevention team is at the town's market on Wednesday (September 18), between 11am and 1pm.

The team will spotlight simple measures people can take to help avoid a fall, and advise on ways to stay steady and strong.

Statistics show that over-65s are at the highest risk of falling, and half of people over 80 have at least one fall a year.

Stephen Pugh, from the falls prevention team, says: "Most falls are not serious, but for elderly people they can be.

"Broken bones don’t just mean a hospital stay, but can lead to loss of confidence and independence. Taking simple steps to address things that might cause a fall can make all the difference.

"We want to help people to not only think about what may cause a fall, but to actually go home after speaking with us and take some action to prevent one.

"There are many simple things you can do – like cleaning up a spill on the kitchen floor immediately so you don’t forget and slip on it later; getting the grandchildren to put their toys away so you don’t wobble over by standing on a stray toy car, robot or building block; having your hearing and eyesight tested regularly, and changing that pair of old worn slippers that you’re worried about slipping out of.

"We’re looking forward to talking with anyone who has problems with walking or balance, is concerned about falling, or who knows someone at risk of falling. Just come along for a chat."

For more about the falls prevention team, visit