A GROUP dedicated to improving Silsden has enjoyed another successful year.

The Friends of Silsden's Green Places have carried out a number of projects.

Since it was founded in 2016, the group has been brightening the town and clearing overgrown areas.

"It's our mission to have Silsden looking its very best," says a spokesperson.

"People will see new double seats throughout the town.

"In the walled garden we have a very successful swap table with plants, fruit and vegetables – anyone can add to it or take away and use items.

"Summer bedding plots and pots and spring and winter bulbs, along with summer and winter hanging baskets, adorn our main street.

"And new projects are planned, with the help of our loyal volunteers and the generosity of donators, without whom we could not function."

The Friends of Silsden's Green Places hold their annual general meeting next month.

It takes place upstairs at the town's Punch Bowl Inn on Tuesday, October 22, 7pm.

Anyone wishing to stand as an officer, or who has constitution amendment proposals, should email the secretary on stephanie_cs@blueyonder.co.uk no later than October 1.

Items to be added to the agenda should be emailed by October 15.