WORK is due for completion next month on the first phase of a new industrial hub in Keighley.

The former Universal Mills site, on the corner of Dalton Lane and Bradford Road, is being transformed into Providence Park.

In addition to industrial units, the development will include a Keighley College manufacturing, engineering and future technologies facility, which will provide students with academic and practical experience and the chance to gain T-level qualifications.

Work began in April last year on the site.

The scheme has involved the demolition of buildings formerly occupying the plot – apart from a section of the original mill, which has been retained and converted into a unit suitable for a cafe or retail use.

Full site remediation was carried out, together with the installation of a surface water management system.

Five buildings are being created to house units – the smallest 150 square metres, and the largest 828 square metres – which will be for let.

The scheme received support from the Government’s Keighley Towns Fund, which allocated £6.5m towards the £12m redevelopment of the 7,000 square metre site.

Tim Rogers, chair of the Keighley Towns Fund board, says: "This is another very exciting commercial development for Keighley and an incredible skills and training opportunity for the town through the creation of the manufacturing, engineering and future technologies hub in partnership with Keighley College.

"We believe that across the site, between 80 and 100 jobs will be created, which is a real boost during the current economic climate. And we anticipate local businesses will be keen to link up with the hub to provide apprenticeships."

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw – Bradford Council’s executive member for planning, regeneration and transport – says: "Demand for employment sites is huge across Keighley and the whole of the Aire Valley, so this development is much needed and welcomed.

"The properties have full solar panel coverage and air source heat pumps which will provide sustainable heat and hot water across the site.

"There is some work still to complete – such as internal works to each unit, fencing and gates, final surfacing of parking areas and the installation of EV charging points – but it's on course to finish as scheduled."

The college unit element is due for completion early next year.