KEIGHLEY Library could close earlier two days a week as part of proposed changes to opening hours at Bradford Council-run libraries across the district.

Under the plans, Keighley Library – in North Street – would shut at noon on Fridays and at 4pm, instead of 5pm, on Saturdays.

The proposals will go before the council’s executive next Tuesday.

If approved, nine libraries would see their hours reduced, which the council says would save £175,000 in the 2025-6 financial year.

Bradford Council said a public consultation attracted 1,656 responses, with the preferred option being earlier closing on Saturdays combined with additional reductions during the week.

The changes don't affect community-managed libraries.

Councillor Sarah Ferriby, the council's executive member for healthy people and places, says: "I would like to thank everyone who took part in the consultation and had their say on opening hours. We have been able to make an informed decision based on the information that our residents, who use the libraries service, provided.

"We don’t want to be having to make these changes. However, unfortunately, we have to make more savings and look at the services we provide – and reach some difficult decisions."